We are looking for a new Musical Director

The Lea Singers are looking to appoint a new Musical Director later in 2022. Information on the role and how to apply are in the job description. The deadline for applications is 11 February.

Merry Christmas

We are so pleased to have been able to perform our first concert in two years on Thursday night. Thank you to the Eric Morecambe Centre for hosting us and our lovely audience for their unwavering support.

Between the MerriLea Digital Advent Calendar and raffle sales at the concert we have raised over £1000 for the vital work of the Harpenden Trust. Thank you for your generosity.

We are now looking forward to our next concert in St. Albans Cathedral in March – Rachmaninov Vespers.

Digital Advent Calendar on sale

Last year’s video Advent Calendar was such a success that we are doing it again this year. We are grateful to St. Lawrence Church, Bovingdon and Our Lady of Lourdes, Harpenden for allowing us to use their beautiful buildings to make the recordings which are now being edited and prepared.

We are supporting an outstanding local charity this year, the Harpenden Trust. All our profits will go towards funding their amazing work in our local area.

So if you would like a little bit of pre-Christmas joy to drop into your inbox every morning 1-25 December, head over here to sign up.

Remember concerts?

“a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers”

Sounds good?

We kick off at St. Nicholas Church, Harpenden in November with Brahms Requiem. We also have the absolute pleasure of performing at the brand new Eric Morecambe Centre for our Christmas Concert on 23 December. And we will (finally) be celebrating our 60th anniversary in the lovely, lovely setting of St Albans Cathedral next March.

For those of you unable to join us this year (sadly, it hasn’t gone away), we will also be producing another video Advent Calendar and knowing our supporters’ unfailing generosity – thank you – raising plenty of money for charity.

St. Albans Cathedral update

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing restrictions applying specifically to amateur choral singing, we are unable to go ahead with our planned services at St. Albans Cathedral this weekend.

We are back!

As Covid restrictions are gradually lifting, we have started rehearsing again – initially by video call, but all being well, in person from 17 May. We are delighted that St. Albans Cathedral is able to allow us to sing some services in late May.

We are also hoping to put on an outdoor performance in the Harpenden area on Sunday 4 July. Nothing confirmed yet, but we are keeping our fingers crossed.