Thank you to everyone who joined us for Across The Bridge of Hope in St Albans Cathedral on 10 November. It was a really special evening. Tori’s programme, charting the world’s conflicts from Agincourt to the present day, was truly moving. It was lovely to hear two of our interns – Katie Sutton (Jan Sandström, Across the Bridge of Hope) and Phoebe Wakefield (Ēriks Ešenvalds, Only in Sleep) – sing stunning solos, and to have Sheena Phillips, the composer of Song of Sorrows, with us in the audience. Our audience loved the premiere of Peter Foggitt’s The Permanence of the Young Men.
If you missed it but would like to find out what all the fuss was about, Tori is reprising the concert with pro singers at St Matthew’s Church, 20 Great Peter St, Westminster, London SW1P 2BU on Friday 23 November at 19:30 – with guest appearances from the Leas. Do join us!